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Politics of Documentary in Time: The Mediatized Story Consequences of Fly, Kite Fly
作者 曹琬凌 (Wan-Lin Tsao)
"人們透過傳播實踐與其他社會實踐揉合互動改變社會建構過程,已是當代轉型中的傳播特徵;其中科技加速傳布與發展速度,經常是後現代時間隱喻座落之處。本研究從媒介化學者定義的媒介四重面向之認識論再思考出發,開展媒介化傳播形定與多重時間概念之對話;並以此為分析框架,探討臺灣首部院線映演之生態紀錄片《老鷹想飛》如何在技術、文類、文本的交互中介域,交織多重時間經驗的媒介化敘事過程。 本文透過14位關鍵行動者訪談與回看,詮釋其至今仍實質影響生態保育與友善耕作之媒介化故事效應。採取「轉型中的傳播」的跨媒介視野,追尋傳播形定的相關性框架、行動者雲集以及傳播實踐等三個特徵,一方面分析媒介與傳播如何藉由新舊媒介(文字、電子影像、面對面互動、網路社群)同存共參而敘事實踐;另方面探看社會文化如何與之共變。本文目的在於理解並詮釋社會建構與媒介傳播日益交纏的複雜辯證關係;以及身處深媒介化年代傾向「薄時間」連結之即時、加速趨勢中,如何反身性翻轉為「厚時間」,藉由核心行動者策略性回復面對面溝通的傳播實踐,把土地與人重新構連起來。"
In this age of continuously transforming communications, the media are increasingly intertwined into the texture of people's daily life, thus changing the constructive process of practices both in communication and other social domains. The accelerating speed generated by media technology often denotes the time metaphor where the post-modern age is located. This study thus aims to extend a reflexive discourse with the concept of communicative figurations in the constructive approach of mediaization theories. From the alternative perspective of temporality, it explores how the documentary Fly, Kite Fly, the first ecological theatrical film released in Taiwan, generated multiple ''timescape'' articulated technology, genre, and text in the zone of intermediacy. Not confined to a binary divide between the text and audience in the cross-media narrative process, key social actors are interviewed and invited to look back so as to interpret the mediatized story consequences that still substantially affect environmental conservation and eco-friendly agriculture. This research adopts a cross-media perspective of ''transforming communication'' to trace the three characteristics of communicative figurations, including frames of relevance, constellations of actors, and communicative practices. On the one hand, it analyzes how media and communication embed both new and old media forms (written articles, documentaries, face-to-face interactive communication, online communities, etc.) in their narrative practices; on the other hand, it explores how society and culture change along with them. The purpose is to 1) understand and interpret the complex dialectical relationship between social construction and media communication that is increasingly more intertwined; and 2) to see how to achieve a strategic reversal in the action of ''thick time'' dialogue through reflexivity in the deep mediatization era, which is a constantly accelerating trend of the ''thin time'' connectivity.
起訖頁 101-149
關鍵詞 交互中介域紀錄片時間性媒介化傳播形定轉型中的傳播communicative figurationsdocumentarymediatizationtemporalitytransforming communicationszone of intermediacy
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 202104 (147期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
該期刊-上一篇 環境議題的媒體關注與框架分析:以臺灣及美國報紙報導空氣污染議題為例
該期刊-下一篇 「理想」與「烏托邦」:成舍我新聞教育理念與實踐論析




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