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從川普到拜登:美國新政府對外政策的變與不變(From Trump to Biden: Continuity and Change in U.S. Foreign Policy)
作者 李大中
"川普政府在過去四年間的美國優先外交政策,聚焦於追求單邊主義、降低美國國際參與,減少美國貿易赤字以及盟邦責任的重新分擔,進而使美中因貿易戰、科技爭霸以及兩國在戰略競逐、全球治理、新冠疫情起源與民主等議題之矛盾,導致雙方關係更形惡化。拜登新政府誓言將藉由重回美好(完善美國自身)、透過外交修補美國盟國體系、重振美國於國際建制中的角色以及恢復美國在全球舞台上的威信與領導地位等方式,確保美國能以優勢地位與北京一較長短。本文的主要研究旨趣是探討拜登的勝選對於美國外交路線取向及對北京政策之影響。 In the past four years, the America First approach to U.S. foreign policy during the Trump's term centered on pursuing the path of unilateralism, withdrawing from international involvement, reducing U.S. trade deficits, and rebalancing burden sharing within U.S. alliances. U.S.-China relations worsened as the two powers engaged in a trade conflict, competed on technology, and clashed over issues, such as strategic competition, global governance, the origins of Covid-19, and human rights. On the other hand, the new Biden administration pledges to compete with Beijing from the position of strength, as well as building a better home through repairing U.S. alliance through diplomacy, renewing U.S. role in international institutions, and restoring U.S. credibility and leadership's position on the global stage. The primary goal of the research for this paper is to address the implications of Biden's victory on foreign policy and the China policy of the new administration."
起訖頁 41-79
關鍵詞 拜登政府美國外交政策印太地區美中關係Biden AdministrationU.S. Foreign PolicyIndo-Pacific RegionU.S.-China Relationsバイデン政権米国の外交政策インド太平洋地域米中関係
刊名 問題と研究  
期數 202106 (50:2期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 米中関係は「ツキディデスの罠」を回避できるか?-理論的検討-
該期刊-下一篇 川普政權時期跨黨派共識形成與保護主義——以USMCA為例(The Dual Faces of USMCA under the Trump Era: Bipartisan Consent of Protectionism?)




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