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治未指錄:健康政策與法律論叢 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Study on the Compensation for the Loss of the Veterans with Ph.D. after Interpretation of Justice No. 781
作者 王俊麟
There is a saying: “The law must be appropriate”, “Evil law is illegal.” Enacting laws should be enforceable, and if they are not implemented, they should be stopped or even rendered ineffective. Pension reform of R.O.C in 2018 has been amended to restrict the employment of military civil servants who have retired from the doctorate. Although it has been interpreted by the Justice Session No. 781, it is considered unconstitutional and should be invalidated. However, during the implementation period, people being restricted by regulations and forced to make a choice has a direct impact on the rights and interests of the people. Therefore, based on the significance and nature of civil servants in this article, this article continues to analyze the restrictions on pension retired with doctoral degrees from the annuity reform, and explains the reasons for finding the regulations unconstitutional from the meeting of the judges, and then observes from the legal system of loss compensation, The practice of Germany and Japan analyzes what kind of relief should be followed, and finds out how to fill the damages that may be caused by the legislators due to carelessness. It can provide reference and Suggestions for handling cases and the annuity reform clauses later, and remind those with power the importance of “equality”.
起訖頁 173-198
關鍵詞 Annuity ReformJustice’s Interpretation of the ConstitutionCompensation for LosseSoldiersSpecial Sacrifice
刊名 治未指錄:健康政策與法律論叢  
期數 202001 (8期)
出版單位 中華國民健康政策與法律學會
該期刊-上一篇 由司法院釋字第767號討論藥害救濟制度
該期刊-下一篇 醫療自主權之代理行使──評析最高法院106年度台上字第2418號民事判決




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