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Review of the Editions of Mi Shu Sheng Xu Bian Dao Si Ku Que Shu Mu about the Existing Transmitted Editions
作者 楊勝祥
As a bibliography compiled by the government, Mi Shu Sheng Xu Bian Dao Si Ku Que Shu Mu (秘書省續編到四庫闕書目; hereafter Mi Mu秘目), which of great textual value, has a definite source. But there is almost no attention to this bibliography. The important reason is that the edit of Mi Mu is not perfect, while the precondition of the edit is to decide the lineage of the editions of Mi Mu. There are two known edition systems of Mi Mu, the one is the transmitted edition system, another is the incomplete edition system. The editions which can be seen presently all belong to the transmitted edition system. This article is to study the transmitted edition of Mi Mu. By investigation, there are 12 existing editions of Mi Mu in this system. Through collation and evidential research, we can divide these 12 editions into four sub-systems. These four sub-systems are Ji Rui Lou Ben (稽瑞樓本) edition system, Zhang Fu Chuan Cang Ben (張芙川藏本) edition system, Ni En Fu Ben (倪恩福本) edition system, and Ti Zhang Jin Wu Ben (題張金吾本) edition system. By selecting the authoritative edition to collate, we can provide basic research results for Mi Mu’s future study.
起訖頁 183-218
關鍵詞 宋代秘書省續編到四庫闕書目秘書省佚書目錄Song DynastyMi Shu Sheng Xu Bian Dao Si Ku Que Shu MuMi Shu ShengLost Ancient BookBibliography
刊名 圖書資訊學刊  
期數 202106 (19:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系
該期刊-上一篇 以閱讀關鍵因素與動機視角探索網路小說閱讀生態




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