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Exploring the Factors and Motivations of Online Fiction Consumption
作者 許哲睿吳怡瑾
近年智財權概念鵲起,網路小說高粉絲基礎成為潛力市場。本研究招募50位臺灣網路小說資深讀者,透過修正式德爾菲法(Modified Delphi Method),建立基於Escarpit文學社會觀點之閱讀網路小說關鍵構面與因素評估架構。研究方法採多準則決策之決策實驗室法為基礎的網路程序分析法(DEMATEL-based ANP)探索閱讀關鍵因素與其關聯性,輔以閱讀動機量表及深度訪談法透視網路小說閱讀生態。研究結果顯示閱讀深受「出版職能」影響,為改善架構的重要源頭;此外,網路小說多元閱讀「管道」為重要且為被影響因子;在閱讀動機部分,研究發現動機程度不同的資深讀者存在著閱讀關鍵因素因果的脈絡軌跡。研究以實證資料建立選擇網路小說閱讀的關鍵因素與影響評估模式,希冀為網路小說生態開拓視野。
In recent years, in response to the rise in the attention paid to intellectual property rights, the fan base of online fiction has become a potentially valuable market for attracting readers. Within this field, the experienced readers are the most critical of this aspect of the development of chain of online fiction in practice. Therefore, we invited fifty experienced readers in Taiwan to participate an empirical research study. We examined important criteria of reading online fiction based on the viewpoint of Robert Escarpit’s sociology of literature, including critical literature reviews and the modified Delphi method. Accordingly, seven criteria were developed from three dimensions and are then analyzed according their weight, causal relationship and performance according to a multi- criteria decision-making approach, specifically the decision making trial and evaluation laboratory- based analytical network processing (DEMATEL-based ANP) approach. Moreover, we further adopted the Adults Reading Motivation Scale (ARMS) to measure the types of motivation that drives readers and conducted in-depth interviews to create our evaluation framework employing a mixed research methods approach. The results show that the reading behavior of most readers is influenced by the “publishing function” factor, which is also an important source for refining the market. Additionally, the factor of “channel” is important and can be easily influenced by the other factors. Moreover, the research results reveal different causal relationships among dimensions and criteria with different levels of motivation. Accordingly, we proposed an Escarpit’s sociology of literature-based causal relationship evaluation model for explaining the viewpoint of online fiction on the part of readers who have different levels of motivation. This study thereby widens the horizon of the market of online fiction by developing a comprehensive evaluation model from the perspective of the key factors of choosing to read online fiction and reading motivation.
起訖頁 139-181
關鍵詞 決策實驗室法為基礎的網路程序分析法Escarpit文學社會學網路小說閱讀因素閱讀動機DEMATEL-based ANPRobert Escarpit’s Sociology of LiteratureOnline FictionReading CriteriaReading Motivation
刊名 圖書資訊學刊  
期數 202106 (19:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣社會科學獲補助國際期刊論文之特性探討
該期刊-下一篇 今存傳本系統《秘書省續編到四庫闕書目》版本源流考




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