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Qualitative Characteristics of Accounting Information for Medical Care Corporates
作者 王貞靜曹美娟華浤安
In 2006, the Ministry of Health and Welfare released the ''Regulations Governing Preparation of Financial and Operational Reports by Medical Foundations'' which gives the Medical Care Corporates a guideline to follow. Hence, this study examines the qualitative characteristics of accounting information for medical care corporates from 2005 to 2019. Using the large medical care corporates, which applied over 600 million health care points as a study sample, empirical results show not only medical revenue growth but also that most hospitals were profitable during the study period. However, the primary net income generated from non-medical profit for most medical care corporates due to operating income was restricted by the global budget system. Overall, our samples have good earnings persistence and more than 60% of them were audited by a Big Audit Firm. Furthermore, we separate them by enterprise type, religious type, and normal type by the donors to analyze and compare medical care corporates' qualitative characteristics of accounting information. Our results show that the religious type of medical care corporates have the lowest debt ratio, the highest short-term solvency and medical and social welfare expenditures, but they also show poor earnings persistence, the highest level of earnings management in specific items, and the lowest tax payments. Compared with religious type, the level of earnings smoothing in normal medical care corporates is indeed higher. However, normal medical corporates also have the highest debt ratio and poor short-term solvency. The enterprise type of medical care corporates have the best financial structures, operating performance, and profitability; but the cash flow component of earnings is not persistent than the normal type. Following increased public monitoring and attention in recent years, medical care corporates (especially enterprise corporates) have achieved an overall increase in accounting information quality. Our results provide insights for authorities, stakeholders, involved parties and other financial report users.
起訖頁 103-152
關鍵詞 《醫療財團法人財務報告編製準則》會計資訊品質盈餘品質醫療財團法人Regulations governing preparation of financial and operational reports by medical foundationsAccounting information qualityEarnings qualityMedical care corporates
刊名 會計審計論叢  
期數 202106 (11:1期)
出版單位 財團法人臺灣會計教育基金會
該期刊-上一篇 CEO繼任、審計公費和公司價值:併論產業知識的角色




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