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An Exchange of the Ironic Spirit of ''The Book of Songs'': Korean Poet Ding Ruoyong's “Sanli” on the Reception and Transformation of Du Fu's“Sanli” Abstract
作者 蔡慧崑
朝鮮實學派詩人丁若鏞嫻習《詩經》,酷愛杜詩,尊崇杜甫,曾寫下許多仿杜或次韻杜詩的作品。丁若鏞的「三吏」(〈龍山吏〉、〈波池吏〉、〈海南吏〉),便是仿效杜甫的「三吏」(〈石壕吏〉、〈新安吏〉、〈潼關吏〉)而作,可謂《詩經》諷諭精神之傳承。 從詩作的體制與主題思想,可以看出丁若鏞「三吏」對杜甫「三吏」的接受:體制方面,丁若鏞「三吏」和杜甫「三吏」都是以敘事為主體的五言古詩,而且〈龍山吏〉對應〈石壕吏〉、〈波池吏〉對應〈新安吏〉、〈海南吏〉對應〈潼關吏〉,丁詩近乎全面地次韻杜詩、借用杜詩的韻腳,語詞也不乏化用杜詩之處。主題思想方面,丁若鏞「三吏」寫照李朝大荒之年,杜甫「三吏」記敘唐代安史之亂,兩者寫作的年代、背景固然不同,卻都深刻地描寫社會現實,反映民生疾苦,實踐《詩經》傷時憤俗、美刺勸懲、以風刺上的諷諭精神,試圖匡正君心,流露憂國憂民、悲天憫人的情感基調。 不同於杜甫「三吏」多採用第一人稱視角、詩人自己介入敘事之中抒發所見所聞的主觀感受和見解;丁若鏞「三吏」多採用第三人稱視角,以旁觀者的立場理性、客觀地敘事、寫人或議論,可以視為對杜甫「三吏」的轉化。
Ding Ruoyong, a Korean poet of practical learning, studied ''The Book of Songs'', loved Du Fu's poems and treated Du Fu with respect. He had written many poems by imitations of Du Fu's poems. Ding Ruoyong's“Sanli”just imitated Du Fu's“Sanli”. It was an exchange of the ironic spirit of ''The Book of Songs'' From the system and theme of poetry, we can see that Ding Ruoyong's“Sanli”on the reception of Du Fu's“Sanli”: In terms of system, Ding Ruoyong's“Sanli”and Du Fu's“Sanli”are all five-words ancient poetry of narrative. Moreover,“Longshan Official”corresponded to“Shihao Official”,“Bochi Official”corresponded to“Xin'an Official”,“Hainan Official”corresponded to“Tongguan Official”, Ding Ruoyong's poems had learned Du Fu's poems comprehensively, included rhymes and words. In terms of the theme, Ding Ruoyong's“Sanli”portrayed a great famine during the Li Dynasty, and Du Fu's“Sanli”were described the Anshi Rebellion during the Tang Dynasty. The two groups of poetic times and backgrounds were different, but they all described the social reality profoundly, reflected the suffering of the people's livelihood, practiced the ironic spirit of ''The Book of Songs'', rectified a king, and displayed the emotional tone of worrying about the country and the people. In addition, unlike Du Fu's“Sanli”used the first-person perspective and expressed the poet's own revealed insights in the narrative, Ding Ruoyong's“Sanli”used the third-person perspective, gave objective descriptions or insights by a standpoint of the observer. These distinctions can be regarded as the transformation of Du Fu's“Sanli”.
起訖頁 21-39
關鍵詞 丁若鏞杜甫三吏詩經接受Ding RuoyongDu FuSanliThe Book of SongsReception.
刊名 東海大學圖書館館刊  
期數 202103 (56期)
出版單位 東海大學圖書館
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該期刊-下一篇 敦煌蒙書《古賢集》的史觀意識析探




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