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The Conservation of Taiwanese Traditional Embroidery Flag of Pilgrimage in Xingang Fenq-tain Temple, Chiayi County
作者 吳盈君李玟蓉陳怡晴蔡佳妤
The embroidery flag of pilgrimage is an antiquity which preserved by Xingang Fenq-tain temple, Chiayi County. According to the words on the flag, revealed that the flag was made in 1910 to 1920 A.D., about 100 years from now. The golden and silver silk threads on the flag are loose and twisting, and the pattern on the flag was too damaged to see the beauty and the whole picture. However, most of the golden and silver silk threads were serious aging, loose and powdered. If we didn’t conserve, we would have lost all important messages above the flag, the very meaningful words on the flag, for example. In this case, conservators will focus on reset the fragile pattern which are loose by reorganizing the golden and silver silk threads, and consolidate the unstable threads on patterns. Besides, the conservation work will include treating the powdering embroidery on the edge of flag and the breaking attached mirrors. Furthermore, we will provide recommendations about follow-up conservation work, make the historical value could be passed down.
起訖頁 29-63
關鍵詞 織品修復文物修護纖維鑑定Textile collection preservationConservation treatmentFiber identification
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201709 (41期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 應用透地雷達進行臺南孔子廟地下可能埋藏遺構探測研究
該期刊-下一篇 《文化資產保存法》自然地景觀念的沿革




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