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The Study of Underground Remain Detection by Ground Penetrating Radar in Tainan Confucian Temple
作者 張舜孔李德河林宏明林逸琇王伯仁
由於地下遺構為地下隱藏性構造,無法由目視法直接進行觀測,因此本研究利用MALA的ProEx透地雷達及其500 MHz全罩式天線,探測臺南孔子廟大成殿南方廣場上地面殘牆以東及以西區域。本文首先回顧建築文獻紀錄,比對現場發現,再根據遺構尺寸和場址條件來決定工具和天線頻率選用。接著說明探測操作流程,並討論初探結果和土體特徵的關係,確立操作的時間安排與空間佈局。最後,經由分析、判讀與綜合探測成果,指出探測區內在地下深度約在0.8 m至1.5 m處,具有東西向連續性強反射雷達訊號,與文獻資料比對後,研判可能為臺南孔子廟被拆除櫺星門的基礎遺構。
The underground remains are not visible to the naked eye; the visual inspection cannot discover and locate the underground remains. Accordingly, we used the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) technique, one of the Geophysics detecting means, to discover the underground remains in Tainan Confucian Temple in this study. The GPR ProEx system, produced by MALA, was utilized and the surveyed antennawas the shielded antenna with central frequency 500 MHz. The detecting area was the south square in Tainan Confucian Temple, Taiwan. After the GPR situ surveying and the data post-processing, the analyzing results revealedthe strong and continuously reflective radar signals distribute over a rectangular area and locate at the depth of about 0.8 m to 1.5 m in the south square of Tainan Confucian Temple. Comparing with the historical records (the reconstruction plans of Tainan Confucian Temple), the rectangular area with the strong reflective radar signals might be the foundation remains of the Lingxing gate in Tainan Confucian Temple.
起訖頁 7-28
關鍵詞 臺南孔子廟地下遺構地球物理透地雷達Tainan Confucian TempleUnderground remainsGeophysicsGround penetrating radar
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201709 (41期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-下一篇 嘉義縣新港奉天宮天上聖母往郡進香旗幟修復




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