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The Phonetic Problems of Japanese Chinese Language Learners and Teaching Suggestions
作者 林嘉惠 (Chia-Hui Lin)
日籍華語學習者為來臺學習華語的最大宗學生源之一,但因日語發音體系單純,學習發音相對複雜的華語對彼等而言相較困難。筆者對18 位華語教師所做的問卷調查結果亦顯示,認為日籍華語學習者的發音問題頗多的比例最高。除了四聲、捲舌音等一般外籍學習者共通的問題之外,亦不乏日籍學生獨特的發音錯誤,其原因多出自於母語之干擾。例如諸多文獻中皆提及的/n/與/ng/不分、單字第二個音節之後送氣音較難發出等,若教師能理解其母語的語音特色,必有助於華語教學的成效。此論文的研究方法為:先以對比分析的手法比較華語及日語語音系統的異同,藉此說明日籍學習者無法正確發出某些特定音的原因,並提供一套由筆者獨自開發(專門針對日籍華語學習者)的中日文對照的37 個注音符號(拼音)的發音教學建議,再透過日籍華語學習者的問卷(27 名)及實測(17名)調查結果,證明其具有明顯改善發音的效果。 筆者專攻日語語音學,同時擁有「日語教育能力檢定試驗」及「教育部對外華語教學能力認證考試」之證照,並從事華人的日語教育二十餘載,因此熟知中、日兩語言的語音系統之異同。本文應用筆者的專業,提出一實用教學建議,目的為提供華語教師教學之實務應用參考,以達到跨領域相互學習連結目標,並提升對日華語語音教學之效益。
Pronunciation has always been a serious problem for Japanese while learning Chinese; besides theintonation and retroflex sounds, there are some other easy-made mistakes. The reason of it is the interference of their native language; for example, they cannot distinguish /n/ from /ng/, and it’s difficult for them to make the explosive sounds to be aspirated after the second syllable. If the instructor understands the unique feature of their native language, it is definitely a benefit for raising the efficiency of Chinese teaching.I who specializes in Japanese phonetics with necessary certificates to teach both Chinese and Japanese, have been a Japanese instructor of Chinese speaking students for more than two decades; thus, I am familiar with the similarities and differences between the two languages. This paper compares and analyzes the pronunciation system of Chinese and Japanese from the perspective of contrastive linguistics. It contains the explanation of why the Japanese learner cannot pronounce certain sounds, and based on the results of questionnaires (27) and experiments of 17 Japanese-Chinese language learner, it provedthat the pronunciation teaching advices I provide for Japanese-Chinese learner, are efficient. With the specialized knowledge of the author, it is highly possible that both Chinese and Japanese pronunciation teaching will be significantly improved.
起訖頁 9-37
關鍵詞 日籍華語學習者語音問題教學建議Japanese-Chinese language learnerphonetic problemsteaching advices
刊名 華語學刊  
期數 201912 (27期)
出版單位 臺灣華語文教學學會
該期刊-下一篇 「班級經營」理論與實務




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