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What Makes News Inaccuracies Happened During Public Health Crises: Examining How the Journalists Have Danced with the Government
作者 蘇蘅陳憶寧 (Dr. Yi-Ning Katherine Chen)
News media are important vehicles for disseminating news on health and medicine to the public. However, news reports on health in Taiwan related to the government, especially about CDC, have been criticized for inaccuracies during public health crises. How do inaccuracies arise? This is the question we shall ask, considering that health journalists must put accurate reporting on the top priority. Were their sources in error? Was the science in the news misinterpreted? What are the key influences of the public health news reports? In the present study, we focused the factors that caused news inaccuracies about CDC. Qualitative interviews with interviewees, including on-beat reporters, media decision makers, professors in journalism, law, and public health, and PR practitioners were conducted to figure out why inaccuracies arose in crises and illustrated the gap of the definition of news between the journalists and the CDC officials. It was found that the journalists sought for news values whereas the officials emphasized on science. This gap further deteriorated the relationship between the two parties, and then caused more inaccuracies. We proposed that the government, as one of the news sources, should provide information proactively during crises. Even when there were no crises, the officials should provide news materials to the reporters regularly so that the institute will have a better chance for a positive media exposure so as to form a public image of being credible and trustworthy.
起訖頁 1-38
關鍵詞 記者不實新聞消息來源公共衛生危機認知落差JournalistsNews inaccuraciesNews sourcesPublic health crisesDifferent perspectives on news
刊名 廣告學研究  
期數 201001 (33期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣告學系
該期刊-下一篇 海峽兩岸都會區戶外廣告中價值觀與廣告訴求之比較研究




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