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A Pilot Study on the Integration of Lesson Study and Classroom Observation Methods in Singapore Primary School Chinese Language Teaching
作者 胡月寶
教師專業發展乃當前華語文教師素質研究中的重要課題。近年來,以單堂課為研究物件的課例研究(Lesson Study)也開始被引入新加坡華語文教學中,成為目前學校教師專業發展的重要平臺。課例研究起源於20世紀60年代的日本,是日本教師校內專業培訓的質化手段,是通過教師集體協作過程:備課、觀課、反思來改進教學,從而促進專業社群的知識構建。筆者發現,由於課例研究在觀課過程中缺乏科學性的記錄與分析,因此相對依賴教師個人的洞察力,在反思討論時,經常出現討論流於主觀論斷、因個人觀察點有異,討論時難以聚焦,而導致研究效度不穩定。筆者於是借鑒起源於美國的課堂觀察工具(Classroom Observation)嘗試提高課例研究的效度。課堂觀察主要通過觀察、記錄和研究課堂運行狀態,提取質化與量化資料來說明教師具體、深入瞭解課堂,從而改進教學。筆者於2012年與兩所小學合作,首次將兩種方法結合,進行一次個案研究。本論文將提出兩者結合之後的研究目的、步驟,並以具體的質化與量化資料來驗證研究的效度。實驗結果顯示,結合課堂觀察方法和課例研究的工具,是有效的教師專業社群研究方法,能更有效協助教師進行更聚焦、更有深度的轉化學習,構建教師專業社群知識,進而促進教師專業成長。
Professional development is an important issue in the current research on the quality of Chinese language teachers. In recent years, lesson study was introduced as a platform for enhancing the professional development of Chinese language teachers in Singapore. A research method that originated from Japan in the 1960s, lesson study is used as a qualitative method for professional training of teachers within schools. Through the process of teachers' collective efforts in lesson preparation, observation and reflection, lesson study leads to an improvement in teaching and learning quality by promoting the knowledge construction of a professional community. However, the lack of scientific tools for recording and analysis of lesson observations often leads to highly subjective judgments in the process of lesson reflection. Differences in personal perceptions in turn results in a lack of focus during the discussions, which impacts the validity of the research. In an attempt to increase the validity of lesson study, we can leverage on classroom observation tools that originate from America. Classroom observation involves the observation, recording and analysis of lesson procedures, thereby extracting qualitative and quantitative data to develop a concrete and in-depth understanding of the teaching process in order to enhance teaching quality. In 2012, a study involving the combined use of lesson study and classroom observation methods was conducted in two primary schools in Singapore. This paper will present the aims, procedures and the use of qualitative and quantitative data in improving research validity through such methodological integration. The findings show that the combination of lesson study and classroom observation tools is an effective method for researching teacher professional communities. The integrated research method promotes teacher change and professional learning in a more focused and in-depth manner, allowing for more systematic knowledge construction of learning communities to enhance teachers' professional growth.
起訖頁 34-53
關鍵詞 教師專業社群成長課堂觀察課例研究新加坡教師專業發展Teachers' professional developmentClassroom observationLesson studySingapore teachers' professional development
刊名 華語學刊  
期數 201412 (17期)
出版單位 臺灣華語文教學學會
該期刊-上一篇 數量詞話題導入功能的適用名詞範圍
該期刊-下一篇 歐洲共同架構在華語教學之應用:以國立臺灣師範大學國語教學中心使用之教材為例




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