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Male Identity and Gender Myth: A Case of the Commercials of Platinum Credit Cards
作者 蔡佩芳張文嘉許惠斐
From the perspective of feminist criticism, this study applies the method of semiotic analysis to examine the capitalistic ideology and gender myth embedded in three commercials of platinum credit cards in 2002, Taiwan. These commercials use images, voice, words, and colors to illustrate people's dream and desire about a luxurious life at the top of economic pyramid. Profession, life style, and commodity consumption are combined together in order to represent the cultural values of male elites, the new female, consumption culture, and gender relationship. These commercials not only emphasize the benefit of the capitalistic commodity and the domineering power of the male, but also reinforce the conventional gender myth in society. The study finds men in these three commercials are honored as having remarkable achievements because of their act of consumption. However, women are unequally treated in the commercials. Even when the new females do their shopping as the male elites, women are still depicted as those being pursued and gazed, passive and unimportant characters. That is, according to this logic of capitalism, the meaning of men's act of consumption is completely different from women's. Men are on the top of consumption chain, consuming not only commodities but also women as commercial objects.
起訖頁 65-102
關鍵詞 資本主義性別迷思白金卡廣告符號學CapitalismGender mythPlatinum credit cards commercialsSemiotics
刊名 廣告學研究  
期數 200901 (31期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣告學系
該期刊-上一篇 中國大陸「八榮八恥」議題宣傳之研究
該期刊-下一篇 洗髮精標語的預設框架與敘事結構




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