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農業科技研究計畫成果研討會專刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

作者 楊盛行
Microbes can decompose the organic matter, stabilize the product, and increase the solubility of nutrients for crop growth during organic fertilizer preparation. The microbial inoculation technology depends on substrate compositions, treatment methods and functions. The inoculation microbes, inoculation periods and methods 75 are very important in the qua1ities of organic ferti1izer. The inocu1ation periods can be in the initia1 stage or fma1 product stage; it a1so can repeat inocu1ation during preparation. The thermo-to1erant microbes can be inocu1ated in the initia1 stage to acce1erate the maturit弘improve the qua1ity of organic fertilizer, and enhance the crop growth. Whi1e inocu1ation at the fma1 product stage, all the microbes can be used except thermophi1ic microbes. The inocu1ation microbes can keep the microbia1 popu1ations, increase the surviva1 rates, and enhance the microbia1 activities in repeat inocu1ation. The inocu1ation methods a1so depend on microbia1 species, it can use 1iquid broth inocu1ation, spore inocu1ation, myce1ia1企agment inocu1ation, solid medium inocu1ation and microcapsu1e inocu1ation. The inocu1ation microbes inc1ude bacteria, actinomycetes, fun缸,a1gae, and arbuscu1ar mycorrhiza1 fungi depending on the functions of biofertilizer, such as血trogen-fixation, phosphate-so1ubi1izing, potassium-so1ubi1izing, 1ipid decomposition, antibiotic-producing, organic ma悅r decomposition, arbuscu1ar mycorrhize, and p1ant growth promotion. Whi1e in the environment remediation, it inc1udes heavy meta1s absorption, toxic substances decomposition and pollutants treatment microbes. Severa1 functiona1 microbes can be used together to prepare multip1e-functiona1 organic ferti1izers or composts, however, it shall consider the competition or comp1ementa可effect among these microbes. It is ve可important to screen the high organic matter decomposition and mu1ti-functiona1 microbes for inocu1ation in multi-functiona1 bioferti1izer preparation to reduce the production cost and deve10p the sustainab1e agricu1ture.
起訖頁 75-98
關鍵詞 有機質肥料菌種添加技術微生物種類接種時間接種方式多功能性拉克生物Organic fertilizer Microbia1 inocu1ation techno1ogy Inocu1ation microbes Inocu1ation periods Inocu1ation methods Mu1tip1e-functiona1 microbes
刊名 農業科技研究計畫成果研討會專刊  
期數 201206 (101期)
出版單位 財團法人中正農業科技社會公益基金會
該期刊-上一篇 有機質肥料製造之除臭技術
該期刊-下一篇 台灣香精產業之推廣及發展──澳洲茶樹、香水樹及土肉桂之繁殖暨香精產業化之推廣




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