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智慧製造AVM 體系引領數位轉型
Smart Manufacturing AVM System Leads Digital Transformation
作者 吳安妮
In the environment of smart manufacturing, companies in Taiwan have been focusing on the improvement of their hardware and software, but it is difficult to maximize the synergy of smart manufacturing if the management system does not keep pace with the times. Therefore, this study innovatively integrated hardware, software, and Activity Value Management (AVM) into one entity, called the “Smart Manufacturing AVM System”.
The “Smart Manufacturing Real-Time Equipment Management System” (iES) is mainly utilized for managing machine equipment. The “Intelligent Manufacturing Real-Time Manufacturing Cost Management System” (iCS) is based on the manufacturing costs of products and work orders, including a real-time war situation room and management daily report, in order to provide factory managers with relevant management information. “Intelligent Manufacturing Real-time Equipment Management Decision System” (iEDS) and “Intelligent Manufacturing Real-time Manufacturing Cost Management Decision System” (iCDS) of Business Intelligence (BI) systems have been developed to assist factory managers more effectively with various management decisions. Among the two, iEDShelps factory managers reduce the unproductive time and cost of machinery and equipment, thus improving the overall efficiency of the equipment, while iCDS provides the cost of 10 information management decisions. It presents information via short-term management reports (circle pie charts), management charts (bar charts), and medium-term and long-term trend comparison charts, essentially assisting factory managers in making various management decisions and improving their company's long-term business performance.
起訖頁 121-145
關鍵詞 智慧製造機台管理製造成本管理工單管理及產品管理mart manufacturingmachine managementmanufacturing cost managementwork order management and product management
刊名 當代會計  
期數 202211 (23:2期)
出版單位 淡江大學會計學系
該期刊-下一篇 創新能力與被投資國家競爭力對營運績效之影響──重要客戶密集度的中介角色




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