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The Impact of Industrial Innovation Act and Corporate Income Tax Rate Reduction on Tax Burden
作者 汪瑞芝 (Jui-Chih Wang)陳庭軒
Taiwan’s government has employed tax incentive policies to motivate enterprises investing in R&D activities and enhancing their competitiveness. However, after the implementation of “Statute for Industrial Innovation” and “Reduction of Corporate Tax Rate” from 2010 (2010 tax reform hereinafter), the provision of investment credit tax benefit is only preserved. Thus, using two-stage least square (2SLS) regressions to analyze Taiwan’s listing companies from year 2007 to year 2016, this study aims to explore whether the implementation of 2010 tax reform has influence on companies’ tax burdens (effective tax rate). Empirical results reveal that, after implemented of 2010 tax reform, companies with greater R&D expenditures will significantly reduce tax shield benefits, increases the company’s tax burdens and the effective tax rate. This is because the restricted tax incentives on the company’s R&D expenditures reduce its investment tax credits rate in half and shorten the period of investment tax credits. Furthermore, before 2010 tax reform (2007-2009), companies increase their R&D expenditures due to tax incentives so as to grant more investment tax credits. After 2010 tax reform (2010-2016), the tax credits rate for R&D expenditures is decreased to 15% in a year (30% prior to 2010). Companies will alleviate incentives for higher investment tax credits by increasing R&D expenditures in years. Therefore, under the changes of these two tax systems, we suggest that government should lead companies’ R&D spending towards high value-added products with its appropriate tax incentive policy.
起訖頁 249-288
關鍵詞 產業創新條例營所稅調降研發支出投資抵減有效稅率statute for industrial innovationreduction of corporate tax rateR&D expendituresinvestment tax creditseffective tax rate
刊名 當代會計  
期數 202211 (23:2期)
出版單位 淡江大學會計學系
該期刊-上一篇 會計師關鍵查核事項之價值攸關性研究
該期刊-下一篇 實施臨床路徑對醫療資源耗用及照護品質之影響──平衡計分卡觀點




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