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Investment under Uncertainty: The Effect of Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance
作者 陳昭君張哲嘉
實質選擇權理論指出投資與不確定性間存在負關聯性,但經理人風險趨避亦造成投資過度反應可分散的公司特有風險。本文援此探討台灣公司投保董監事及重要職員責任保險(D&O 責任險)後其投資對波動性的敏感程度。實證結果指出對高經理人持股公司而言,投保D&O 責任險會減緩公司投資對其特有波動性的敏感程度,隱含投保D&O 責任險有助鼓勵公司承擔非系統風險、減緩投資不足並與股東價值連結。實證結果亦指出上述投保D&O 責任險效果主要作用在低融資限制公司與高訴訟風險公司。最後,實證結果指出投保D&O 責任險有助提升公司實質選擇權價值。
The real options framework indicates a negative relation between corporate investment and uncertainty. However, managerial risk aversion leads corporate investment to become sensitive to diversifiable firm-specific risk, which may not be optimal from the perspective of shareholders. This research thus examines the investment-uncertainty relation based on the effect of directors’ and officers’ liability (D&O) insurance. Analysis of listed firms in Taiwan shows that D&O insurance alleviates investment sensitivity to firm-specific volatility for firms with high managerial ownership. This is consistent with the notion that D&O insurance encourages insured executives to bear appropriate risks and mitigates underinvestment from the perspective of well-diversified shareholders. This study further documents that the effect of D&O insurance is pronounced mainly for firms with low financial constraints and high litigation risk. Finally, this study finds that D&O insurance improves the value of real options.
起訖頁 139-183
關鍵詞 董監事及重要職員責任保險投資效率性不確定性波動性實質選擇權Directors’and officers’liability insuranceInvestment efficiencyUncertaintyVolatilityReal options
刊名 會計審計論叢  
期數 202212 (12:2期)
出版單位 財團法人臺灣會計教育基金會
該期刊-上一篇 非擔任主管職務之全時員工薪資與企業揭露員工薪資調整情形之關聯性研究




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