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The Role of Internet in Public Relations Practice
作者 孫秀蕙
本文的研究目標有二,一為總覽相關網路研究論述,為公關業運用網際網路提供一理論模式,二為透過公關人員與新聞記者的深度訪談,觀察網際網路在公關業上扮演何種功能,又如何影響公關專業運作模式。本文建議公關學者可從公關業三個主要互動對象:客戶、媒體與消費者或一般公眾來研究網際網路與公共關係主題。我們可以借鏡使用與滿足、共同取向等理論模式以觀察公關人員與目標公眾中的互動。最後,根據本研究的深度訪談,本文歸結出公關人員與新聞記者或編輯在網路使用型態上的差異。公關人員使用網路資源,注重的是與客戶和目標對象進行資訊上的交換(information exchange),對時間因素特別注重,而新聞記者使用網路資源的目標,是尋找可資寫作的報導素材,注重資料庫的檢索與導覽(information overview),對於網路的互動特質較不注重。而在臺灣,由於媒體的網路化尚未完全,新聞媒體並不習慣以電子帳號傳輸新聞稿件,報紙媒體仍仰賴傳統的送稿方式(傳真、郵遞),因此資訊數位化的趨勢,仍有相當的成長空間。
The research goals of the present paper are two fold. First of all, we hope to provide a theoretical model of cyber-communication in public relation practice by reviewing relevant literature of internet. Secondly, we wish to understand how internet is viewed and utilized by public relations practitioners in Taiwan. Our research findings suggest that public relations practitioners could view the role of internet from three sides of interest: client, mass media and consumers. Each side has their own needs and different communication models are used to explain their needs and relevant applications. The present paper also points out the significant difference between public relations practitioners and journalists in terms of their patterns of using internet. It seems that public relations practitioners place more interest in the process of information exchange and interactions with different publics, whereas journalists place more emphasis on the importance of information overview.
起訖頁 159-181
關鍵詞 網際網路公共關係
刊名 廣告學研究  
期數 199707 (9期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣告學系
該期刊-上一篇 1995年三屆立法委員選舉三黨新聞發布策略分析
該期刊-下一篇 「華人消費市場中廣告行銷發展之現況與未來」座談會記錄




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