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The Differences of Conspicuous Consumption 、 Green Consuemr Orientations 、 and Gift Giving Behaviors Among the People of Taiwan As a Result of Socioeconomic Backgrounds and Residential Areas
作者 郭貞
The study was based on analyzing a sample survey data of 941 people on Taiwan. Socioeconomic backgrounds and residential areas were used as the two major segmenting variables in comparing three groups of consumer orientations and behaviors, namely, conspicuous consumption、green consuemr orientations、and gift giving behaviors. Results from the analyses seemed to indicate that those who were from a higher socioeconomic level were more concerned with conspicuous consumption and more likely to exercise green consumer styles. Besides, they tended to give gifts to friends and relatives on many occasions than those of lower socioeconomic origins, especially on Westernized holidays such as Christmas, Valentine's Day, and on occasions related to interpersonal relations, such as, friends' birthdays, Mother's Day, Father's Day, friends' graduation's day, etc. However, respondents from different residential areas did not show much differences on the consumer orientations in question. People from the Central part of Taiwan had merely a slightly higher percentage reported more gift-giving behaviors on those traditional Chinese holidays and occasions.
起訖頁 1-20
關鍵詞 地域差異社會階層臺灣地區民眾送禮文化消費行為
刊名 廣告學研究  
期數 199707 (9期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣告學系
該期刊-下一篇 加拿大華人消費者的媒體使用習慣與對於全方位廣告策略的態度




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