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A Study of Advertising Management: Advertising Organizational Structure and Decision - Making for Advertiser
作者 張文智方菁容
The purposes of the study are to understand the structure of the advertising department within enterprises, the advertising administrative process of different advertisers, the advertising operational and the decision making processes in the advertising department, and the difference of the structure and the operational management of the advertising department under different businesses. There are some conclusions in the study: 1.Big enterprises include the manufacturing, the service and the banking are centralized processing. They mostly have the advertising department to be in charge of the advertising activity of all their functional departments within the enterprise. Nevertheless, there are still few enterprises are distributed processing, like some big American enterprises, with their individual branch product department to proceed with their individual branch product department to proceed with the advertising activity independently.2.Most enterprises have their advertising department to actively do the advertising plan for the whole company. However, there are still few enterprises have their individual department to do their own advertising plan and consign their plan to the advertising department. Generally, these enterprises will have a complete operational method to do the consignment. 3.Most Taiwan big enterprises use speculative presentation first to choice their advertising agency, and next will be the idea proposed by the agent, and then will be the long0term relationship between them. However, the agency selection differs over industries: the manufacturing likes to use speculative presentation, and the service likes to consider about the idea and relationship of the advertising agent. 4.Usually, the advertising department is responsible for proposing the advertising budget. Generally, the way of budget setting will be no difference between industries. Firstly, they will use the percentage of sales rate to setting the budget, and next they will negotiate with the agent. On the way of decision making , the manufacturing and the banking usually made by a group of people, and the service usually made by a individual person. 5.The advertising operation process usually includes the product orientation, the proposal presentation, the strategy planning and the decision making. Most enterprises deliver their message on the product orientation, and few of them provide the proposal themselves to the agent. As for setting the strategy, the manufacturing will have the agent to be in charge of , however, the service and the banking will set the strategy by themselves.6.Usually, most Taiwan big enterprises evaluate the advertising proposal by the advertising creativity and strategy as the guideline of decision making. As for the industry wide point of view, the manufacturing will focuses on the advertising strategy and creativity, on the other hand, the service and the banking will emphasize on company's culture and image. On the way of decision, the service and the banking usually made by a group of people, and the manufacturing often made by a individual person.
起訖頁 121-144
關鍵詞 廣告管理廣告主廣告組織結構企業
刊名 廣告學研究  
期數 199601 (7期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣告學系
該期刊-上一篇 競選文宣新媒介--台灣政治性資訊網路現況研究(1995)
該期刊-下一篇 公眾管理導向--公關概念的一次大膽延伸




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