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Psychoanalysis, Culture and Healing: Sudhir Kakar's Exploration of Religious Healing in Popular Hinduism
作者 蔡怡佳
本文以宗教與療癒為焦點,以Kakar對於印度教之民間宗教(popular Hinduism)的考察為例,討論Kakar以精神分析理論理解非西方社會時所遭遇到的一些難題,以及這些難題對於宗教心理學與比較宗教研究之對話所帶來的可能啟發。本文首先檢視古典精神分析理論與宗教之間的張力,分析精神分析自身的文化假設,並討論忽略此假設時對於非西方文化以及其宗教現象可能帶來的誤解。其次,本文討論Kakar如何將精神分析與印度社會的宗教實踐置於「療癒」的平台,以為彼此的對話找到一個基準點,從生病經驗與上師醫者(guru-healer)的分析釐清兩個醫療傳統之間可能的對話線索。本文從對疾病的辨識方式、對症狀的認識、對疾病的解釋、治療過程以及治療者等層次探討生病經驗,從病患-治療者的關係討論上師醫者如何作為文化渴望的表達。最後,本文討論後佛洛依德學派對於古典精神分析的修正,以及這樣的修正如何?精神分析與比較宗教的對話帶來新的展望。
This article focuses on of religious healing through the discussion of Sudhir Kakar works on the healing rituals of popular Hinduism. Kakar explores both the potentials and limits of psycho­analytical understanding of non-western culture and religion. This article first examines the ten­sion between psychoanalysis and religion and argues that the psychoanalytical theory is not a uni­versal psychological theory free from cultural assumption, value and ideal. When one adopts the psychoanalytic perspective to examine the non-western religious phenomena without the awareness of one's cultural assumption, the latter is easily to be falsely considered as the repres­entation of ''regressive'' state of mind. This article then explores how Kakar proposes a dialogical model to understand psychoanalysis and popular Hinduism through their similar concern for hea­ling. The dialogue between psychoanalysis and Hinduism is discussed through the following di­mensions, including the recognition of illness, the understanding of symptoms and illness, the therapeutic process and the role of healer. The last part of this article discusses the perspectives of post-Freudian psychological theories and how their modification of classical psychoanalysis opens a new possibility for the dialogue between psychology and religion.
起訖頁 39-61
關鍵詞 精神分析宗教癒療印度教上師psychoanalysisreligious healingpopular Hinduismguru
刊名 臺灣宗教研究  
期數 200512 (5:1期)
出版單位 台灣宗教學會
該期刊-上一篇 全球人間佛教:以台灣佛教慈濟基金會為例的初探
該期刊-下一篇 《太乙金華宗旨》之教義形象的變遷之一些考察




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