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Taiwan's 5G National Strategy from the Perspective of 5G and International Laws
作者 方修忠周佑霖
時序推進至2020年,NCC在經歷2018年縣市長選舉不同陣營的假新聞事件衝擊之後,不該再是代罪羔羊,而應從政治上、法律上與科學上獨立起來。期待NCC一起呼應台灣國際法學會「5G與國際法」的倡議,立於國際舞台的高度,輔助行政院提出「台灣5G國家三大戰略」,並協調相關部會據以落實: 1、 Pro-investment:鼓勵電信產業與各垂直產業跨界整合,跳脫單一行業規管的窠臼;積極獎勵跨業軟硬體虛實整合發展與標準關鍵專利的研發與全球佈局,與重量級國際企業結盟,促進國家經濟發展積極獎勵軟硬體虛實整合的研發與5G標準關鍵專利佈局,促進國家經濟發展。 2、 Pro-competition:引領數位匯流的變革,重新審視市場競爭的產業藩籬,重新定義傳統的水平市場或垂直市場,在面對重量級國際企業集團,宏觀看待本國公司與事業單位在全球產業分工的價值鏈中力爭上游,鼓勵其從公平競爭中健康發展脫穎而出。 3、 Pro-consumers:面對跨界整合與跨業平台的挑戰,迎接「大數據、雲計算、人工智慧、萬物聯網」嶄新時代,做好從消費者財產權提升至人格權與隱私權的消費者保護2.0的法律準備與相關工作。 另外,建議NCC應效法美國FCC建立頻譜篩審(Spectrum Screen)機制。提升NCC技術監理職能,以科技為本落實法律授權,在行使重大行政處分權時,能掌握科學數據,才得恰如其分。因此,NCC不論在頻譜回收、頻率指配,以及電信事業併購案之申請遞件,審查其是否導致頻譜過於集中,都應該從其頻譜使用效率與頻譜是否公平使用,以頻譜篩審為機制,歸納出可供科學驗證的數據,供做法律之經濟分析的基礎,並按之作為行政處分的科學依據。
NCC should no longer be a scapegoat, but be politically, legally and scientifically independent. We expect that NCC can echo the advocate of ''5G and International Law'' initiative and standing on the international stage made by Taiwan Society of International Law. Accordingly focus on ''Three major strategies for Taiwan's 5G'', and coordinate with the relevant ministries to implement respectively as follows, First, Pro-investment: to encourage the cross-border integration of the telecom industry and various vertical industries, and actively reward the R&D of virtual and physical integration of software and hardware and the layout of 5G SEP portfolio to promote national economic development. Second, Pro-competition: to lead the reform of digital convergence, reexamine the industry barriers of market competition, and encourage healthy development of cross-platform fair competition. The last but not the least, Pro-consumers: to prepare the challenges of cross-border integration and cross-industry platforms, we are welcoming a new era of ''big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things'', and making legal preparations and related work related to consumer protection. In addition, it is recommended that the NCC should follow the FCC's establishment of a spectrum screen mechanism. To improve the technical supervision function of NCC, to implement legal authorization based on technology, and to exercise the right of major administrative decision to grasp the scientific data so that it can be properly assigned. So far, scientific
起訖頁 9-22
關鍵詞 國際經濟法5G電信規管頻譜篩審國家通訊傳播委員會管制革新International Economical Law5Gtelecommunications regulationspectrum screenNCCregulatory reform
刊名 台灣國際法學刊  
期數 202003 (16:1期)
出版單位 臺灣國際法學會
該期刊-下一篇 5G與消費者保障:以維護消費者資訊自主權為中心




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