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對中國的溫差?比較美日的印太戰略及對中政策(A Different Vision Toward China? Comparing the Indo-Pacific Strategy and China Policy of the U.S. and Japan)
作者 楊雯婷渥美壽賀子
The Trump Administration adopted the Indo-Pacific Strategy and revised its China policy to emphasize competition against China in trade, technology, and security. The Japanese government is a critical promoter of the Indo-Pacific Strategy (the Indo-Pacific Vision), but is its Indo-Pacific Strategy and China policy aligned with that of the United States? By comparing the Indo-Pacific Strategy and China policy proposed by Japan and that of the U.S., this paper finds that the U.S. has already adopted an increasingly competitive policy against China through its Indo-Pacific Strategy. However, as Japan repairs its relationship with China, it softens the confrontational dimensions of the Indo-Pacific Strategy and avoids aggravating China while promoting its vision for the Indo-Pacific. This article consists of four parts: The first section reviews the Japanese Indo-Pacific Strategy and assesses whether it changed after Japan repaired its relations with China; The second and third sections address the content of U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy and analyze whether it should be interpreted as a balancing strategy against China; The final section compares respective American and Japanese strategies in the Indo-Pacific Strategy and discusses how the Trump Administration responded to Japanese shifts in China policy.
起訖頁 127-178
關鍵詞 印太戰略美國對中政策日本對中政策美日同盟美日關係Indo-Pacific StrategyU.S. China PolicyJapanese China PolicyUS-Japanese AllianceUS-Japanese Relationsインド太平洋戦略米国の対中政策日本の対中政策日米同盟日米関係
刊名 問題と研究  
期數 202103 (50:1期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 回到未來:比較19世紀晚期與當代的中日關係(Back to the Future: Comparison Between the Sino-Japan Relationship in the 19th Century and in the 21st Century)
該期刊-下一篇 美中經貿戰對亞洲高科技產業鏈的影響(The Impact of US-Sino Trade War on the Asian High-tech Industrial Chain)




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