中文摘要 |
隨著中國在本世紀於東亞區域快速崛起後,中日關係近來的發展似乎重回了日本當初在19世紀崛起與晚清互動的過程。透過比較中日在19世紀下旬和21世紀早期的互動過程與發展,本文發現了顯著的相似性,並提出當中日進入權力相近時候,倘若一國對於另一國或國際地位感到不滿意,並且採取冒險態度的時候,該國就有可能採取改變現狀的行為。倘若一國採取厭惡冒險的態度時,則該國就會採取維持現狀的行為。而這樣的中日互動就成了中日關係的「新常態」。19世紀中日互動帶來戰爭,當代中日如此互動則一度帶來中日緊張關係,若要避免戰爭發生,則必須改變後起者的「意願」。 The development of the Sino-Japanese relationship as a consequence of China's increasing prominence has resulted in East Asia repeating the history of Japan's ascent to global prominence in the 19th century. A comparison between the Sino-Japanese relationship in the late 19th century and that in the early 21st century shows significant similarities. Specifically, this article argues that when China and Japan enter a period of power parity, if one country is not satisfied with another or with its international status, and tends to seek risk, that country will take revisionist behavior. If the country is risk-averse, he will adopt the behavior that maintains the status quo. This is the "new normal" for Sino-Japan relations. In the 19th century, the war came at the end of this interactive pattern between China and Japan. Therefore, it is necessary to shift the existing propensity for risk between the two nations because such a shift could help the countries avoid a recurrence of the 1894 tragedy. |