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全球時代下的生態女性主義點讀Tawada Yoko《地球各個角落的就業》:演示共建無狀態的新夢想
Reading Yoko Tawada's "Chikyu ni chribamerarete" from the perspective of ecofeminism in the global era,: Fostering new dreams without borders
作者 曾秋桂
Yoko Tawada has gained more and more attention from around the world since "The Emissary" was awarded the Japan Foundation Award 2018 and the US National Book Award in November of the same year. The multinational multilingualism, the worldview of the global era, and the environmental issues of global warming, which are described in "Chikyu ni chribamerarete", published after the "The Emissary", indicate the intention of drawing the global era. In this paper, we focus on the issues of "refugee issues", "language issues", "destruction of Japan with advanced technology and civilization", and "environmental protection" that we drew in our works in the global era. From a feminist point of view, we try to read "Chikyu ni chribamerarete" and explore the true meaning behind the phenomena in this novel. As a result of this consideration, the dominant relations that produce repression, such as the interests created by human greed, the exchange of interests between nations, and the seriousness of the global environment that has disrupted the natural world, should be re-examined. On the other hand, Studded with the Earth suggests the concept of an Earthling living on a single planet and the possibility of fostering new dreams without borders, such as the concept of bioequality. Especially in the global era, there is no border, and the meaning of "Chikyu ni chribamerarete" has a large meaning in fostering new dreams of overcoming violent and weak minority control by a powerful country and violent natural control by humans.
起訖頁 27-48
關鍵詞 全球化時代生態女性主義《在地球各角落發光發亮》無國界共築新夢想global era"The Emissary""Chikyu ni chribamerarete"no borderfostering new dreams
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 202006 (39期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 《宇津保物語》中的理想男性形像──八面玲瓏的仲忠人物造型
該期刊-下一篇 村上春樹《神的孩子們都在跳舞》中的暴力──以〈有熨斗的風景〉.〈泰國〉為探討文本




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