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An Application of Deep Learning Image Classification on Landslide Automated Detection with FORMOSAT-2 Satellite Imagery
作者 蔡詠名張國楨陳俊愷周學政
Taiwan is subject to severe natural hazards like earthquakes and typhoons, which often cause landslidesin mountainous area, destroying crops and properties or even lives. Monitoring the occurrence of landslides using remote sensing imagery is an annual task for government institutions. However, the task had been extremely labor-intensive and time consuming. In order to solve the problem, this study proposes a deep learning technique for automatic landslide classification from satellite imagery in order to get more accurate and robust classification results. The classification model is based on the U-Net convolutional neural network. The model takes pairs of satellite imagery and ground truth label as the input and produces predicted classified labels as the output. The model is trained on pairs of FORMOSAT-2 imagery and ground truth labels. The ground truth is classified into 5 classes: vegetation, riverbed, landslides, water and miscellaneous. To best separate landslides from other unclear land cover like riverbed and farmlands, slope degree is added to satellite imagery to distinguish and recognize information for classification. The study’s results produce a robust classification model that is able to distinguish landslides from the satellite imagery with an automatic workflow. We expect that the model will be useful for landslides monitoring and inventory mapping, which are elementary tasks for hazard mitigation and susceptibility mapping.
起訖頁 67-78
關鍵詞 崩塌地影像分類深度學習衛星影像U-netlandslideimage classificationdeep learningsatellite imageryU-net
刊名 地理研究  
期數 201911 (71期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 閩南族群之他稱族名「Hoklo/Hohlo」的漢字名書寫形式與變遷:從歷史文獻與地圖地名的檢索來分析
該期刊-下一篇 亞熱帶地區高山溪流溶解性有機碳的輸出量以及在全球氣候變遷下的意涵




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