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The Chinese Writing Forms and Changes of the Minnan Ethnic Group Name “Hoklo/Hohlo”: An Analysis of Historical Archives and Map Place Names
作者 韋煙灶李易修
This paper searches through the literatures and map names, and explores the origin, change, using period and frequency of the Chinese writing forms and changes of the Minnan ethnic group name ‘Hoklo / Hohlo’from other ethnic groups. We also want to explore more powerful arguments to break through the limitations of the past in this issue. The findings of this study are as follows: these Chinese writing forms all seem to originate from the ‘sound name’, and mainly from the Hakka ethnic group. The study also found that these ‘map names’ only appeared in Guangdong, and not in Taiwan or Fujian. Most map names are ‘Xuelao (學老)’, and then ‘Helao (鶴老)’, but we could not find ‘Helao (河老)’ or ‘Heluo (河洛)’. In these Chinese writing forms, the earliest appearing are ‘Helao (河老)’ and ‘Helao (貉獠)’; the second earliest forms are ‘Helao (貉老)’ and ‘Helao (鶴老)’; the third is ‘Xuelao (學老)’; and later ‘Fulao (福老)’ appeared. The final forms that appeared are ‘Helao (鶴佬)’, ‘Xuelao (學佬)’ and ‘Fulao (福佬)’. They were widely recognized in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This paper also speculates that self-proclaimed (‘Hohlo lang’) usage of the Minnan ethnic group in Hsinchu, should be influenced by the usage of emigrants in eastern Guangdong. And today, ‘Hohlo’ (sound name) and ‘Fulao (福佬)’ (Chinese name) become the customary names of Taiwan’s Minnan ethnic group.
起訖頁 43-65
關鍵詞 閩南族群他稱族名地名福佬音名Minnan ethnic groupethnos name from other ethnosplace nameHohlosound name
刊名 地理研究  
期數 201911 (71期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 淨爐儀式之田調與解讀:以臺北普安堂法教團為例
該期刊-下一篇 深度學習影像分類應用於福衛二號衛星影像之崩塌地自動判釋




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