英文摘要 |
The node coloring problem (NCP) is a traditional network problem.Given an undirected network, NCP aims to find a set of minimum number of colorsthat color all nodes, where there is no node pair with the same color. NCP hasbeen proven NP-hard in terms of optimization. When problem sizes become large,it is difficult to exactly solve NCP. Therefore, most researchers in the pastdeveloped heuristic algorithms, usually using greedy approaches or localimprovements, to solve NCP. Some of meta-heuristics, such as tabu search,simulated annealing, neural network and genetic algorithm, have been applied tosolve NCP. This research attempts to combine design techniques of traditionalalgorithms and newly meta-heuristics, together with a new concept of randomlychanging search direction, to develop efficient solution algorithms for NCP.Computational tests show that our solution algorithms are superior to Aho'sgreedy algorithm, Dsatur algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm in terms ofcomputational efficiency and solution quality. |