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Analyzing the Forces by the Table Tennis Forehand and Backhand Smash
作者 安振吉
本研究主要在提供開發『仿真人桌球訓練發球教具』所需的出力依據,『仿真人桌球訓練發球教具』將去除市面上販售的桌球發球機出力與旋轉相互依存關係,達到模仿真人打擊的狀況。實驗過程由國內男性國家級選手擔任受試者,分別使用平面膠皮與短顆粒膠皮操作正手與反手的最大力量扣殺動作,利用高速攝影機拍攝球拍擊球之瞬間過程,分析球遭受打擊的瞬間球與球拍分離前後之速度以得到球的加速度並考慮空氣阻力後得到球的真正受力。本研究透過實際正反手扣殺方式來分析球的受力大小,進而作為桌球發球機的出力依據,結果顯示,平面膠皮正手扣殺的力量 7.638±0.279 kg 為最大,短顆粒膠皮正手扣殺居次,平面膠皮反手扣殺排名第三,短顆粒膠皮反手扣殺最小。最後,本研究得到結論,平面膠皮正手扣殺力量可作為仿真人打擊桌球發球機的最大出力設定,而發球機不同的出力設定則可模擬不同的擊球技術。
This research aims to provide data of the struck forces on ball for developing the table tennis robot of player simulator which will be applied in the table tennis teaching aid of player simulator. The table tennis robot of player simulator will remove the interdependency of the striking and the rotational forces to get the situation of player simulator. In process, the Taiwan male national champion was as the player to perform the forehand and the backhand smashes with the inverted rubber and the short pips rubber respectively. Experiments used the high speed camera to capture the striking photos. Analyzing the two instant speeds, attached and separated to racket, of the ball yields the acceleration. Moreover, considering the air resistance will get the real forces on ball. This research analyzes the forces on ball via playing and provides them as the bases of the robot. In this work, the results show that the force 7.638 ± 0.279 kg of the forehand inverted rubber is the biggest, the force of the forehand short pips rubber is the second, the force of the backhand inverted rubber is the third, and the force of the backhand short pips rubber is the smallest. Finally, conclusion in this research shows that the force of the forehand inverted rubber will be set as the maximal force of the robot and the other forces will simulate the other playing skills.
起訖頁 37-47
關鍵詞 仿真人桌球訓練發球教具正手扣殺反手扣殺膠皮Table tennis teaching aid of player simulatorForehand smashBackhand smashRubber
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 202103 (14期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 桃園市三級棒球後援會成員參與動機;滿意度與球隊認同之研究




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