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The Study of Participation Motivation, Satisfaction and Team Identification of Parents Support Group for School Age Baseball Team in Taoyuan
作者 陳浚良王宜民林麗敏林啟川
本研究旨在探討不同背景人口統計變項之桃園市三級棒球後援會成員的參與動機、滿意度及球隊認同之現況。以桃園市三級棒球後援會成員共 146 人為研究對象,透過「桃園市三級棒球後援會成員參與動機量表、滿意度量表及球隊認同量表」為工具進行問卷調查。所得資料使用 SPSS 進行樣本 t 檢定及單因子變異數分析進行結果分析。所得結果發現:一、桃園市三級棒球後援會成員在「社會構面」之動機程度最高,其次為「心理構面」。二、滿意度部分在「便利性構面」之滿意度最高,其次為「社會構面」。三、在球隊認同上有著中高度的認同度。四、後援會成員之人口統計變項對參與動機上皆無顯著差異且人口統計變項對滿意度亦無差異,但在職業上,「放鬆構面」有顯著差異,其中「商」高於「軍公教」,「服務業」也高於「軍公教」;在後援會單位上,「放鬆構面」「小學」顯著高於「國中」。五、球隊認同上「高中」也高於「國中」。本研究結論:在參與動機部分以社會構面最高,滿意度則為便利性構面最高,且人口統計變相對滿意度無差異。整體來說後援會對球隊認同度皆有中高程度認同感。
This study aimed to understand the participation motivation, satisfaction, and team identification of parents' support group for the school-age baseball team. This research includes 146 copies of questionnaires. The results of the questionnaires were analyzed by SPSS 22 through an independent sample T-test and one-way ANOVA. The findings were as follows: 1) participation motivation of parents support group members were categorized into three factors: ''social dimension,'' ''physiological dimension,'' and ''relaxed dimension.'' The social dimension had the highest averages of participation motivation, and the physiological dimension had the second-highest averages. 2) Satisfaction of parents' support group members were categorized into four factors: ''social dimension,'' ''intellectual dimension,'' ''relaxed dimension,'' and ''convenience dimension.'' The convenience dimension had the highest averages of satisfaction, and the social dimension had the second-highest averages. 3) Parents' support group members had a medium to the high level of team identification. 4) There is no statistical difference between all demographic variables in participation motivation and satisfaction. On the parents' support group's profession and level, the ''relaxed dimension'' had a significant difference. 5) There is no statistical difference between gender, age, educational level, profession, and average monthly income in team identification. A statistically significant association between the level of parents' support and team identification has found. This study finds the social dimension had the highest averages of participation motivation, the convenience dimension had the highest averages of satisfaction, and demographic changes are relatively acceptable without a difference. On the whole, the recognition of the support teams has a high degree of recognition.
起訖頁 25-36
關鍵詞 桃園市三級棒球後援會參與動機滿意度球隊認同Parents Support GroupParticipation MotivationSatisfactionTeam Identification
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 202103 (14期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 運動專項參與對學童在基本運動能力的影響
該期刊-下一篇 桌球正反手扣殺之受力分析研究




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