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The Struggling dilemma between Cultural and Political Factors: Discussion on the Import Quota Limitation of China Film
作者 陳昱嵐
Recently, whenever the end of Golden Horse Awards ceremony, apart from the superstars and awesome films, there have been two things that inevitably being controversial. One is reviewing whether Taiwan's film industry appears declining trend, and even becomes self-dwarfing when facing China film works. Secondly, the award-winning China films are commonly not viewed by Taiwan citizens due to the import quota limitation of China film, so numerous arguments and queries arise to such regulation. It is true that this cultural governance controversy has been a heated issue for many years, however, there are very few academic research to focus on it. It must be crucial and necessary to analyze this system both in terms of national cultural policies and private cultural running. Therefore, this article intends to utilize the legal analysis, and discuss the following topics in turn: (1) exploring the legal origin and evolution of this system by means of Historical Method; (2) further analyzing the reason and influence from the relation of politics, economy and culture of this film policy; (3) reviewing the judicial practice cases and discussing the results that does this system is put into good use for its legal purposes and what disadvantages on cultural communication it causes. Hoping to reconsider rationally the meaning of this system in today's society through these comprehensive analysis.
起訖頁 91-119
關鍵詞 進口配額制文化治理國家安全言論自由比例原則import quota systemcultural governancenational securityfreedom of speechprinciple of proportionality
刊名 文資學報  
期數 202012 (13期)
出版單位 國立臺北藝術大學文化資源學院
該期刊-上一篇 試論無形文化遺產概念下的「文化空間」
該期刊-下一篇 Changing needs, changing roles: a view of the work of museums from the Americas




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