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A Summary of the Research on the Historical Background of the 6 Monuments of Foreign-related Events in the Chronicle of Keelung City
作者 姚開陽
The Chronicle of Keelung City were recorded there are six monuments seem to be a very important foreign-related event, but because the city chronicle has not attached the original content, and now the six monuments are gone, Therefore, it is hard to de-termine whether the records of the chronicle are true, but it seems that there are some problem. Through the search for literature and field investigations, it is found that the city chronicle records have nothing to do with the actual commemoration of the monuments. However, because the mistakes are also real historical event, it is easy for people to be-lieve it, this may be the reason why the city chronicle have been wrong for more than sixty years but have not been corrected. This paper corrects the long-standing mistakes of The Chronicle of Keelung City and described the history of the marine activities in Formosa water of the Westerners in the Qing Dynasty. Although it is not as important as the original imagination, but it is still very important cultural assets in.
起訖頁 9-31
關鍵詞 基隆海事洋人紀念碑清代KeelungMaritimeForeignerMonument19th Century
刊名 文資學報  
期數 202012 (13期)
出版單位 國立臺北藝術大學文化資源學院
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