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Leaving is inevitable, but the result is not necessarily bleak:A study on the work-family gain of expatriates from the perspective of cross-cultural adaptation
作者 潘博宇林淑慧施御佳施雪切
Due to the rapid development of multinational companies in different countries, the number of expatriates has increased in recent decades. Within this circumstance, companies have to face the need of human resource management for expatriates. Among many management issues, the first aspect to face is the cross-cultural adaptation for expatriates. Therefore, how to effectively survive during the process of cross-cultural adaptation and the adaptation between overseas work and family life among expatriates are the important issues. Accordingly, the purpose of this research is to explore the overcome strategies when expatriates work oversea. Data was collected through interview with workers from three different expatriate countries. The study applied grounded theoretical research method to summarize and integrate research conceptualization of the data. The results found that expatriates had to face challenges during the initial period of expatriation. However, if companies can provide supports and offer family-friendly programs to assistant expatriates, it will help them achieve a satisfied cross-cultural adaptation, and achieve the result of work-family enrichment as well.
起訖頁 52-70
關鍵詞 外派人員跨文化適應工作家庭增益ExpatriateIntercultural AdaptationWork-Family Enrichment
刊名 勞資關係論叢  
期數 202012 (22:2期)
出版單位 國立中正大學勞工關係學系
該期刊-上一篇 移工政策之認知衝突分析




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