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The Third Sector’s Paradoxical Development: A Case Study on the Urban Renewal-Related NPOs in Taiwan
作者 王章凱
This paper examines a paradoxical phenomenon in the development of the third-sector in Taiwan. The core operating mechanism of the Urban Renewal Act (URA) - majority rule - makes urban renewal policies highly controversial. To downplay the fundamental issues of the violation of constitutional rights and substantive injustice, authorities are continually adding “legal procedures” by issuing new norm rules, enforcement rules, directive rules, and canon rules. This has caused the emergence of a large, complex, and obscure body of law. To address public anxiety regarding the URA, authorities are funding nonprofit organizations (NPOs) or nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to conduct propaganda in favor of urban renewal laws. Financial incentives have attracted numerous developers and practitioners to organize new NPOs to bid for contracts. General understanding, the third sector should be characterized by being nonprofit, highly autonomous, transparent, and in the public interest. However, in their advocacy work for public policies, these “second-sector-organized-NPOs” that are incentivized by the first-sector are deeply influenced by the interests of the government. Although they are not enterprises, they pursue business interests through the guise of NPO. Turns out, in the context of urban renewal policy, the third-sector is becoming a “marionette” manipulated by government and enterprise, playing a role as an instrument of political propaganda and an extended arm of profit-oriented enterprises, significantly weaken the strength of civil society.
起訖頁 103-152
關鍵詞 都市更新公民社會第三部門非營利/非政府組織問責Urban RenewalCivil SocietyThird-SectorNonprofit Organization (NPO)Nongovernmental Organization (NGO)Accountability
刊名 台灣社會福利學刊  
期數 202012 (16:2期)
出版單位 台灣社會福利學會
該期刊-上一篇 家庭暴力低意願案主服務經驗之研究:保護性社工的角度




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