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Community Communications and Empowerment after the 921 Earthquake Disaster
作者 蔡鶯鶯
本文旨在了解921地震災區興起社區報紙的特色、災區社區報工作者實踐社區媒介的歷程和展望。本研究以社區觀察及深度訪談災區四個鄉鎮的社區報紙工作者。研究結果發現:災區社區報近似媒體策進(media advocacy)及公共新聞學的理念;社區報的結構與功能係一體的兩面,呈循環性變化;社區報的功能面與結構面的聯結機制,係透過舉辦社區活動及設定報導議題,達成社區重建的目標;雖然災區社區報普遍面臨經費缺乏與專業人力不足,卻富有培力的意義,創造了「災難社區新聞學」的類型。
This paper aims to identify the characteristics among the emerging community newspapers after the 921 Chi-Chi earthquake disaster in Taiwan. The primary investigator conducted the in-depth interviews by asking nine editors who were in charge of the community newspapers based at the 921 Chi-Chi earthquake stricken communities. The results of this study indicates that the characters of targeted community newspapers are similar to the public journalism. The connective mechanism between the structures and functions of the community newspapers has been performed through two main processes of holding community activities as well as agenda-settings. In addition, the main participants and some community residents have been empowered by publishing the newspapers and rebuilding the community regardless the shortage of manpower and financial resources for these community newspapers. This incredible grass-rooted movement has created a new pattern called as the Disaster of Community Journalism.
起訖頁 177-227
關鍵詞 地震培力公共新聞學社區營造社區報紙災難社區新聞學EarthquakeEmpowermentPublic journalismCommunity buildingCommunity newspapersDisaster of community journalism
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 201001 (102期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
該期刊-上一篇 從參與式傳播觀點反思蘭嶼數位典藏建置之歷程
該期刊-下一篇 民族誌教學:以「第一屆打工文化藝術節」的參與式傳播為例




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