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作者 陳興良
Crime mala prohibita is a kind of crime corresponding to crime mala in re, which has the dual attributes of administrative illegality and criminal illegality. The so-called administrative illegality refers to the violation of administrative regulations, which is normative element of the elements of crime mala prohibita. Administrative regulations are preconditions of statutory crimes, and only if they violate administrative regulations can they constitute crimes. In this sense, crime mala prohibita has the nature that criminal law is subsidiary to administrative law. The criminal illegality means that the elements of crime mala prohibita are in line with the provisions of criminal law. In the judicial determination of legal offenders, we should not only refer to the provisions of administrative regulations, but also strictly in accordance with the provisions of criminal law. In the criminal procedure of legal offenders, the administrative determination of the administrative department is of great significance to the understanding of the normative elements of crime mala prohibita and the confirmation of the factual factors, but the judicial organ has the independence of the determination of crime mala prohibita. Only in this way can we avoid the formalization of the criminal procedure of the legal offence.
起訖頁 1464-1488
關鍵詞 法定犯行政違法性行政從屬性行政認定Crime Mala ProhibitaAdministrative IllegalityCriminal Law Subsidiary to Administrative LawAdministrative Determination
刊名 中外法学  
期數 202012 (192期)
出版單位 北京大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 制度競爭與思想的譜系
該期刊-下一篇 單位固有刑事責任的提倡及其教義學形塑




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