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作者 李建偉
Determining the effectiveness of corporation's intention on ''substantial deprivation'' of shareholders right to know forms an essential aspect of accurate comprehension of the legislative intention of Article 9 of the Judicial Interpretation IV of Corporate Law and is indispensable with two consensuses in the corporate law and one standpoint of judicial policy. The first consensus is about the nature of the shareholders’ intrinsic right of the right to know, which reveals the fact that the will of corporation autonomy can be restricted but cannot be imposed by the substantial deprivation. The second consensus is about the mandatory specification attribute of the right to know stipulated in corporate law, which is a legal norm ''as to avoid serious unfair consequences or to impose restrictions on autonomy of private law in order to meet the requirements of society''. Viewed from the standpoint of judicial policy, it is necessary to give appropriate respect to shareholders and the philosophy of corporate governance, and to set up the theory of balance of interests in corporate law. Based on the consensuses and stance illustrated above, the boundaries of effectiveness of corporation’s intention concerning restricting and substantial depriving of shareholders right to know are defined, and many particulars of judicial application are determined. In addition, the object to which the effectiveness rule can be analogically applied is supposed to fall into the scope of shareholder’s right and restrictively interpreted as having the same legal attribute as the right to know.
起訖頁 1339-1359
關鍵詞 股東知情權固有權強制性規範公司意思實質性剝奪Shareholders Right to KnowIntrinsic RightPeremptory NormsCorporation’s IntentionSubstantial Deprivation
刊名 中外法学  
期數 201810 (179期)
出版單位 北京大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 市場界定在反壟斷並購審查中的地位和作用
該期刊-下一篇 不負證明責任當事人的事案解明義務




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