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作者 于立深
In our country’s Taiwan region, scholars have accumulated much experience in the study of administrative contract theories. Their research focuses on such questions as why there is a contract in the field of public power; the different criteria for administrative contracts and administrative adjudication, administrative agreements and private contracts; types of administrative contracts and named construction; the application of contract as a policy tool in modern public-private partnership; legal application in administrative contract disputes and the performance of public law litigation and so on. These academic dicussions have influenced the local administrative enforcement and judicial practice of administrative contract in Taiwan. The theory and system of administrative contracts in the Taiwan region are consistent with their own public and private law systems, and they have consistency with the source of foreign law. There is also internal coordination between the special laws. The Taiwanese experience in this area provides knowledge and experience for how mainland China can form consistent and systematic thinking and classification on the theory and system of administrative agreements.
起訖頁 1284-1301
關鍵詞 行政契約私法契約公權力行政行為行政訴訟Administrative ContractPrivate ContractPublic PowerAdministrative ActionAdministrative Litigation
刊名 中外法学  
期數 201810 (179期)
出版單位 北京大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 構建智慧財產權大司法體制
該期刊-下一篇 網路資訊犯罪歸責模式研究




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