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A Preliminary Analysis of the Relationships among Information Technology, Civil Groups, and Democracy based on Beitou Community
作者 方孝謙
Recent discussion from the literature of global civil society and that of the trichotomy of social group suggest an important hypothesis of the relationship between information technology (IT) democracy. The globalists proposed that IT promotes democracy by expanding sources of information for civil groups and by raising the accessibility for their members. The trichotomists suggested that IT demotes democracy because factions in the civil groups simply use it for their sectarian interests. Based on the hypothesis, this paper specifically targeted on the IT experience of Beito district, a suburbian community located at the northern edge of Taipei city, in its effort of pursuing deliberative democracy. The results indicated pretty much support the trichotomists' account, such as internet as applied in the online conference and in the platform of civil news raises the ability of factional groups to articulate their own issues. However, so far it has failed to consolidate the sectarian interests hence that a greater democracy should be promoted.
起訖頁 57-100
關鍵詞 北投全球公民社會初級社群信任資訊科技審議民主BeitouDeliberative democracyGlobal civil societyInformation technologyITPrimary groupTrust
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 200907 (100期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
該期刊-上一篇 新聞記者採訪報導受害者應面對的新聞倫理:多元觀點的論證
該期刊-下一篇 抗爭與入籠:中國新聞業的市場化悖論




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