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From Resistance to Reflexivity: Exploring the Reflexivity of Audiences Based on Hannah Arendt
作者 張玉佩
為了解決當代閱聽人研究面對「抗拒」概念的困境,本文試以「思辨過程」取代抗拒,並引進鄂蘭(Hannah Arendt)的哲學論述以描述與詮釋閱聽人思辨過程的參考架構。在實證部分,本文觀察文學迷群網站《村上春樹的網路森林》,將閱聽人思辨過程區分為三個階段:第一階段是想像操作的機制,即閱聽人將閱聽經驗與日常生活經「去知覺化過程」轉換為心靈影像,重新喚回成為思考客體。第二階段是追求普遍可溝通性,即閱聽人將思考結果向他人展現的過程。第三階段的閱聽人則是以自我慣有的主體意識為挑戰對象,不斷質疑自己習以為常的傳統價值判斷與道德體系。本文最後建議,閱聽人的思辨是個綿延不斷過程,而閱聽人串連文本、自行建構的意義詮釋才是進行思辨的起點。
This paper is intended as an investigation of the critical capability of audiences founded on the philosophy of Hannah Arendt. Based on my four years experience working as an ethnographer for an online fan community, three stages have observed regarding the critical capability of audiences.In the first stage, the operation of the imagination should be taken when audiences translated their experiences to a thought-object. In the second stage, the general communicability is the core criterion that audiences elaborate their thinking fruit to the public. In the third stage, audiences visit each other's position in imagination with homeless thought. The combination of all these stages help to promote the proposal that the critical capability of audiences is based on the process, not the outcome, of thinking and the meaning built by audiences themselves is the starting point of the thinking journey.
起訖頁 1-41
關鍵詞 思考思辨迷群鄂蘭網路文化閱聽人ThinkingReflexivityFansHannah ArendtInternet cultureAudience
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 200607 (88期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
該期刊-下一篇 當新聞記者成為名嘴:名聲、專業與勞動商品化的探討




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