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「一個中國原則」與台灣的國際空間:以民進黨政府參與聯合國的策略為例(2000 - 2008)
The One China Principle and Taiwan's International Space: A Case Study of DPP Administration's Strategy for UN Participation (2000-2008)
作者 蔡政修
This article examines Taiwan's international space when the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) held the reins of government by using indicators derived from Beijing's discourse on ''one-China principle'' in its foreign relations with various states over the world, in an attempt to provide a relatively objective criterion for assessing the diplomatic performance of the DPP administration. This article also reviews the results of the debates in the UN General Committee concerning the proposals for Taiwan's UN membership over the years, to illustrate the influence that China exerts on Taiwan's international participation. This author points out that China enjoys legal and institutional powers which facilitate the proliferation of its discourse on one-China principle in the international society. Responding to DPP's diplomatic offensive, China intensified pressure on Taiwan, which resulted in the dwindling of Taiwan's diplomatic space. Visioning into the future, Beijing may compromise its position to stabilize Taiwan's incumbent President Ma Ying-jeou's diplomatic approach; but under the one-China principle the enlargement in Taiwan's diplomatic space is very likely to simultaneously duplicate Taiwan's status as a non-sovereign entity in the international society; that is the greatest pitfall associated with Ma's ''Workable diplomacy''.
起訖頁 45-76
關鍵詞 一個中國原則台灣的國際空間台灣參與聯合國民進黨外交活路外交The One China PrincipleTaiwan's International ParticipationTaiwan's UN MembershipDPP's DiplomacyWorkable Diplomacy
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201301 (41期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 中國少數民族政策:擺盪於同化和融合之間
該期刊-下一篇 日本與新加坡的國家資訊通信科技發展計畫




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