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China's Rise and Its Challenges: An Analysis by World System Theory
作者 劉坤鱧
After the reform and opening up, China becomes the world's second-largest economic system rapidly because of its excellent national endowments. The impressive economic achievement makes the world market dare not overlooked; and the strong comprehensive national strength is deemed as a treat to core countries. The unprecedented historic reform in China has affected all dimensions of the development in the world and attracts worldwide attention. This article will be an analysis of how the Chinese government guides its country with planning policy to changes its world position from a periphery country to semi-periphery country, and thus challenges the existing order of core countries of Europe and the United States by the perspective of world- system theory. After the time of financial crisis caused by Europe and America in 2008, Asia becomes the engine to drive the global economic recovery. It indicates that the world economy center is gradually shifting to the East and the political and economic power in the world is transferring. China faces challenges and opportunities at the same time in this situation, the containment from the core countries and increasing social conflicts inside China have become its internal and external problems. If the leaders fail to cope with the disorder within global economic recessions, it will be a threat which means that the reform process could be reversed and thus jeopardizes the legitimacy of the Communist regime.
起訖頁 115-136
關鍵詞 改革開放世界體系理論邊陲國家半邊陲國家核心國家Reform and Opening UpWorld System TheoryPeriphery CountriesSemi-Periphery CountriesCore Countries
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201210 (40期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 六方會談前期協商之過程論分析
該期刊-下一篇 東亞政黨體制中的共同議題和價值




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