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The Significance of China Rise and Its Influence toward Regional Politics
作者 初國華張昌吉
The end of Cold-War as well as the early day of 1990's, China with its huge economic growth have risen as a mainly big power in the region and worldwide scope. China grew speedily in the domain of economy, diplomacy and military that almost appear in all policy area with Chinese regional predominance. However, Taiwan is close to China and how Taiwan assess China rise or how Taiwan respond to the China rise. That must be a way of survival for Taiwan to perceive the international power structure as to take advantage from the outside situation. No matter what China rise is a given fact or a problem needed to settle, the discussing of China rise have manifested China as a internationally crucial power and state to influence Asia or the world. That phenomenon is both a opportunity and a challenge for Taiwan. Moreover, its influence toward Taiwan will last far-reaching as well. This article intend to study how the style or effect of China rise, additionally its impact toward American regional hegemony. Then, how Taiwan deal with this new situation; namely how China rise is relative to power's change in meaning and influence of relative countries in Asian region.
起訖頁 127-156
關鍵詞 導彈防禦系統現實主義自由主義社會建構論觀念BMDS、realism、liberalism、social constructivism、concept
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201004 (30期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 發展路徑抉擇與全球生產鏈之制約:以印度軟體代工為例




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