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United States' BMDS Programs in Europe: Testing a Thought of Realism, Liberalism, and Social Constructivism
作者 蔡育岱譚偉恩
The establishment and deployment of Ballistic Missile Defense System(BMDS) is regarded as the military issue in traditional security and responds to the thought of deterrence in Realism. However, the context of the global ballistic missile defense regime could not be operated smoothly and effectively without transnational cooperation and mutual aid. In other words, the security framework of Realism must be implemented through the perspective of mutual aid and cooperation in Liberalism. In addition, given that the main countries achieve the cognition of establishing the BMDS, the opposite side, the defended countries, will regard it as a signal of security threat, and inevitably try to counteract it. The arms race or the conflict opposition tensions probably emerge and lead to a type of security dilemma presented eventually. Washington reaching its long-term goal of setting up a BMDS in Europe recent years has provided the examination platform in the thoughts of Realism, Liberalism, and Social Constructivism. This article penetrates the processes of US system deployment and all standpoints to demonstrate that Social Constructivism is a guiding ideology and the Liberalism is the effective tool to carry out the processes of this policy. As for the Realism, it is a consequence of revealing to the world. It possibly not helps to guarantee the international society or the US itself security but to examine the validity of military security policy.
起訖頁 1-28
關鍵詞 導彈防禦系統現實主義自由主義社會建構論北約BMDS、Realism、Liberalism、Social constructivism、NATO
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201001 (29期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-下一篇 從宏都拉斯政變看拉美民主發展




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