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The China Factor in Contemporary East Asian Security Environment
作者 蔡明彥
東亞地區面臨的安全問題相當複雜,在區域國家處理相關問題的過程中,中國扮演相當重要的角色。本文主要探討東亞地區的地緣政治問題、區域經貿整合問題、以及北韓核武問題,並且分析中國在相關問題中扮演的角色。美國及其亞洲盟友在地緣政治與區域經貿整合問題上,對中國角色的不信任,主要導因於結構面問題,一是區域權力結構,另一是政治制度結構。由於美國及其區域盟友與中國在政經制度上存在明顯差異,雙方對區域經貿整合也有不同價值,加上海陸權競爭的地緣政治思維,讓這些國家對「中國崛起」抱持謹慎的態度。未來中國欲化解美國及其盟邦對中國的質疑,除了繼續透過「合作性」思維,處理和周邊國家的領土與領海爭議、協助管理諸如北韓核武此類區域性安全問題以外,還必須引進更透明的決策制度與更開 放的自由貿易機制,如此才能根本地化解雙方戰略不信任的根源,提升中國在區域安全問題中的正面角色。
East Asia is facing many security challenges from complicated regional issues. When East Asian countries cooperate to handle these issues, China's role is becoming more and more important. This study intends to explore what role China is playing in the security issues related to geopolitics, regional integration and North Korean nuclear programs. At present the United States and its regional allies are casting doubts over China's role in terms of geopolitics and regional integration. The sense of distrust results from ''structural'' problems–power structure competitions and political system divergence. Due to different political values, geopolitical considerations and economic interests, the United States and its regional allies take cautious attitudes toward the rise of China. Should China want to reduce the suspicions from the United States and Asian countries, China may need to adopt cooperative approach to manage its territorial disputes with neighboring states peacefully and to play a positive role in the process of handling North Korean nuclear issues. More importantly, China needs to move to a transparent political system and a market-based economic regime - a step that would help China to promote its position role in the region.
起訖頁 1-20
關鍵詞 東亞安全東亞地緣政治東亞經貿整合北韓核武美中安全關係East Asian securityEast Asian geopoliticsEast Asian economic integrationNorth Korean nuclear programsUS-China security relations
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 200904 (26期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-下一篇 中國學術界對建構主義國際關係理論的研究




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