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Failed States and International Security: Impact and Response
作者 林佾靜
後冷戰時代,第三世界國家內戰問題頻仍,「失敗國家」(failed state)一詞逐漸為世人所熟知,成為國際關係學界研究新議題,其隱含對國際安全可能造成之挑戰與威脅,惟後冷戰初期,失敗國家問題侷限於區域層次,國際關注焦點在於衝突國家周邊安全情勢或區域內人道救援措施,然2001年911紐約恐怖攻擊事件,「失敗國家」旋成為國際安全首要議題,這是鑑於與國際恐怖主義活動緊密相連之故,許多失敗國家成為恐怖主義組織運作資金、走私非法武器及毒品以及從事國際犯罪活動的溫床,嚴重影響國際安全。此外,失敗國家因內部不安局勢,導致政府功能停擺,無法提供人民生活所需,造成貧窮、傳染病擴散、大量向外遷移的難民等混亂,亦對周邊區域國家帶來不安情勢,嚴重衝擊區域安全穩定情勢。本文將探討失敗國家內涵及生成國際政經脈絡,以及描述失敗國家特徵,並詳加探究失敗國家對國際安全之衝擊為何?以及對國際社會因應國際衝突之省思。
In the post-Cold War era, internal conflicts in Third World countries, mostly caused by racial, religious and ethnical complexities, often escalate into large-scale civil wars and genocide, a phenomenon diplomatic community called ''humanitarian crisis.'' The developments highlight the vulnerability of failed states with a collapsing authority and divided society. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 promoted a view that failed states may pose a major threat to the international security. Many cases show that some failed states are the haven for terrorist activities, including illegal weapon and drug trade and transnational organized crime. In addition, the chaos resulting from collapse of state laws and government dis-function often lead to massive movements of displaced people and refugees, spread of infectious diseases, famine as well as human rights violation. The internal chaos within a failed state became the source of the instability and insecurity of the international system. This paper will describe the characteristics of failed states in the first place, and then explore how they affect regional and international security. Finally, the author will discuss what role the international community may play in coping with the failed states.
起訖頁 121-159
關鍵詞 失敗國家國際安全維持和平建立和平Failed StateInternational SecurityPeacekeepingPeacebuilding
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 200810 (24期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 波蘭1990年代憲政改革:制度變遷與社會學習之歐洲化過程




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