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East Asian Regionalism in Changing: The Case Study on Production Network of Electronics Industry
作者 蔡宏政
A country's technological capability is directly related to her strategic benefits of economy and security. As technological capability constitutes the core part of political power, the technological hierarchy actually embodies the power relation in East Asian regionalism. In this article, the author argues that current East Asian regionalism is structured by two open networks. One is the U.S. and Japan-centric flying geese system, the other is emerging China-centric greater China circle. Through long-term international political economic analysis, the author further argues that greater China circle is in fact the outcome from the transformation of flying geese system in the mid-1980s. Three factors induce this transformation. The first is financial regulation of the U.S. in face of her crisis. The second is China's participation into flying geese system. The third is emergence of vertical disintegration of production. On the one hand, this regional transformation provides some niches for developing countries to catch up first movers, on the other hand, it also weights on the role of standard architecture largely in the hands of first movers. By this analysis perspective, the author argues that technology, capital and final-user market are still controlled by the U. S. and Japan alliance. However, regional reorganization of production also increase economic regionalism by which China rapidly accumulates capital, promotes technology, and expands market scale. In short, while East Asian regionalism maintains its usual course, it also accumulates momentum for change.
起訖頁 51-80
關鍵詞 東亞區域主義雁行秩序大中華秩序技術的垂直分工標準制訂East Asian RegionalismFlying Geese OrderGreater China CircleVertical Disintegration of TechnologyStandard Setting
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 200807 (23期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 中國「三戰」內涵與戰略建構
該期刊-下一篇 東亞總統制國家憲政結構發展比較分析




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