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The Development and Evolution of Asia-Pacific Regional Architecture after 2000: Political-Economic Implications for Taiwan
作者 江啟臣
色,甚至是典範。本文試圖透過「區域架構」(regional architecture)的概念理解這些變化,發現不同於冷戰時期以美國為核心的輻輳舊金山體系,二十一世紀以來的亞太區域架構發展已出現新的元素與顯著的特色,包括:在區域架構的構築過程中呈現多頭馬車角逐區域架構建構者的現象;亞洲化與雙邊化的發展趨勢;在亞太區域的政經安排上出現多組區域安排同時發展、相互交錯的結果;東亞主義與亞太主義的競合趨勢;經濟、政治與安全議題相互連動的議程設計現象;以及由下而上的形塑過程。更重要的是,新世紀的亞太區域架構及其政經安排的發展與趨勢,不僅對區域架構的形塑有影響,對於長期與亞太區域有密切政經安全關係卻參與空間受限的台灣而言,更提供不少政經戰略上的意
The regional configuration of the Asia-Pacific has been different from the 20th century with some new elements, characteristics, or even paradigm. The paper mainly attempts to explore as well as comprehend the changes through the concept of ''regional architecture.'' Different from the ''San Francisco system'' or the ''hubs-and-spokes'' alliances that dominated by the United States in the Cold-War era, the paper finds that the regional architecture of the Asia-Pacific after 2000 has revealed some characteristics, including: multiple architects competing for the mater of building Asia-Pacific regional architecture; the trend and development of Asianization and bilateralization; multiple regional arrangements coexisting and crisscrossing with one another; competition and harmonization between East Asian and Asia-Pacific regionalism; and increasing interaction and interlink between economic and security issues in the agenda setting. More importantly, these changes and new developments through a bottom-up process would not only shape the future Asia-Pacific regional architecture, but also present political-economic and strategic implications for Taiwan.
起訖頁 83-105
關鍵詞 區域架構亞太台灣政經意涵regional architectureAsia PacificTaiwanpolitical economy
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 200801 (21期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 美國東亞軍事優勢地位的挑戰:中國「反介入」與美國「反反介入」的角力
該期刊-下一篇 東亞戰略架構中核武的角色:擴散與嚇阻穩定




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