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A study on the Structural Problems of US-China Trade Competition
作者 林詩凱 (Shih-Kai Lin)
2018 年 3 月 22 日,川普簽署對中國「301 條款」備忘錄,拉開美-中貿易戰之序幕,並對中國展開一系列之提升輸往中國關稅之措施。美-中貿易戰並非是單純的貿易摩擦爭議問題,是具有「結構性」的意涵,這種「結構性」的問題除了美-中貿易逆差之外,尚包括:長期盜竊美國高科技技術與智慧財產權、強迫投資國家技術轉讓、政府補貼國營企業,與政府操縱人民幣匯率。中國大陸這種計畫式經濟,或是國家主導式經濟發展模式,讓川普以「不公帄貿易」的說法抓住了美-中貿易問題的著力點,也讓川普上台後採取「美國優先」和「公帄貿易」口號,作為解決貿易赤字方針,並將中國視為重點打擊對象。
On March 22, 2018, Trump signed a ''Section 301'' memorandum on China, kicking off the US-China trade war. The move also led to a series of measures to raise tariffs on exports to China. The US-China trade war is not just a dispute over trade frictions, but a ''structural'' one. In addition to the US-China trade deficit, this ''structural'' problem includes chronic theft of US high-tech and intellectual property rights, forcing the transfer of foreign technology to Chinese companies, China government's subsidization to state-owned enterprises and China's manipulation of the RMB. China's planned, or state-led, model of economic development has allowed Trump to seize the US-China trade issue with the term ''unfair trade.'' It also allowed Trump to adopt ''America first'' and ''fair trade'' slogans as his approach to addressing the trade deficit, and to treat China as a key target.
起訖頁 95-118
關鍵詞 美-中貿易競爭結構性經貿問題智慧財產權盜竊美國高科技技術補貼國營企業US-China trade competitionstructural economic and trade problemsintellectual property rightstheft of US high-tech technologysubsidization to state-owned enterprises
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 202007 (71期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 「新大賽局」和日本的歐亞大陸外交:論壇、元首和官方援助
該期刊-下一篇 不公平的代價:破解階級對立的金權結構




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