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The New Great Game and Japan's Eurasian Diplomacy: Forum, Leader and Official Development Assistance
作者 劉泰廷
在 2013 年中國提出一帶一路計畫以後,就地緣政治而言,日本似乎又重新關注歐亞大陸的發展。隨著計畫的快速發展,日本除透過「中亞 + 日本」的雙邊對話機制試著平衡中國以外,其也透過元首出訪、官方援助及雙邊和多邊合作等方式,試反制崛起中的中國。本文以當前正在發酵中的「新大賽局」為出發點,進而探討日本的歐亞大陸外交。藉由回顧日本近年在中亞和印太地區的作為,作者試突顯日本如何透過海陸並進的戰略手段,參與強權競逐的新大賽局。論述將以四部分進行。本文首先討論新大賽局的發展,然後以此在第二部分說明由論壇、元首和官方援助等三項發展所組成的日本歐亞大陸外交。第三部分延伸討論日本對一帶一路的戰略回應。最後則展望日本國際戰略的未來發展。
Corresponding to China's proposal of the Belt and Road Initiative in 2013, Japan seems to have turned its attention to Eurasia again. As China pushed forward the BRI, besides balancing China through the Central Asia plus Japan dialogue, Japan has also responded with state visits, official development assistance, and bilateral and multilateral cooperation to check China's influence. This article departs from the so called ''New Great Game'' in Eurasia and discusses Japan's Eurasia policy. By reviewing Japan's actions in Central Asia and the Indo-Pacific regions in recent years, this article attempts to demonstrate how Japan participates in the New Great Game by adopting a strategy that emphasizes both the sea and the land. Four parts make up the article. Part one discusses the New Great Game, establishing the context for part two's discussion on Japan's Eurasia policy. Part three then discusses Japan's strategic response to the BRI. Finally, part four looks at the future prospects of Japan's international strategy.
起訖頁 73-93
關鍵詞 日本新大賽局一帶一路地緣政治歐亞大陸JapanNew Great GameBelt and Road InitiativeGeopoliticsEurasia
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 202007 (71期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 緬甸憲政體制之探討──從翁山蘇姬任國務資政談起
該期刊-下一篇 美-中貿易競爭之結構性問題研究




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